MISC-WG ICT: Manpower Industry Steering Committee Working Group for ICT Sector


The Manpower Industry Steering Committee Working Group for ICT Sector (MISC-WG ICT) was founded in June 2020 to serve as an advisory group for Manpower Planning Employment Council (MPEC) under the Prime Minister's Office with regards to Industry Manpower for the ICT Sector. MISC-WG ICT is a committee that links industry, regulators and educational as well as training institutions to provide advisory and steer with regards to ICT manpower planning and capacity development for Brunei Darussalam.


Expected Key Deliverables of MISC-WG ICT:

  • Identification of critical occupations that can be filled by local manpower
  • Consolidation of manpower demands within the industry in the coming 5 years
  • Development of competencies, standards and training programmes by identifying the skill gaps in the ICT Sector

The Component of Manpower Industry Steering Committee


Workforce Development
Planning Group (WDPG)

  • Focuses on the type and number of jobs demanded by the MISC sectors.
  • Identify the critical occupation that is demanded by the industry.


Competency Development Technical Group (CDTG)

  • Works with industry to co-develop competency and program that aligns with the industry’s standards and requirements.
  • To propose a National Competency Framework (NCF) in alignment with the industry requirements.


Accreditation and Assurance

Approve standards and accredits programs and courses that is endorsed by the Manpower industry Steering Committee.

MISC-WG ICT Structure

Members of MISC-WG ICT